Vision, Mission, Goals, Values

Our Vision

Our program’s vision is “to be an integral contributor in assuring Americans and others can enjoy healthy, productive and satisfying lives.”

Our Mission

Our program’s mission is “to assure public health students and practitioners are prepared to address 21st century challenges through a comprehensive program of educational experiences, mentorship and career guidance.”


  • Produce competent interprofessional practitioners to fill leadership roles in applied public health settings (education)
  • Further understanding of disease to better control the health burdens of at-risk populations (research)
  • Engage community partners to pursue effective approaches to community health (service/engagement)
  • Build an inclusive workforce to equitably address community needs and aspirations (equity)

Our Values

The values guiding our program were developed through extended discussion among program and department members:

  • Fostering reciprocal, equitable partnerships with stakeholders
  • Seeking justice through wellness as a public good and fundamental right of all
  • Incorporating differing beliefs and practices into all program activities
  • Promoting ethical standard in all actions and interactions