Dae-zhane Boland
Practicum Site: UConn Health Disparities Institute (2019)
Project Description: For my Practicum, I worked on the CT Report Card on Health Equity among Women and Girls of Color. My tasks included locating, analyzing and visualizing data, contacting partners to inform them about the report card, and outlining a social media dissemination plan that would promote the report card and educate community members on various health issues. What was most valuable about my project was making many connections with different HDI partners and community leaders. I was able to network with public health professionals, gain expertise for the many health disparities that women and girls of color face, and also learn about organizations I could potentially work at in the future.
Some advice for future students…I would like for other students to treat the Practicum as an experience that can further their careers in public health, and not simply a requirement because networking can really open some doors that you may not expect.

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